"Fashion you can buy, but style you possess. The key to style is learning who you are, which takes years. There's no how-to road map to style. It's about self expression and, above all, attitude." -
Iris Apfel

Guys here are some superb tips on selecting or lets say making out perfect casual. Just follow them, its gonna make your day. Trust the instinct...
You want to dress better but most style advice revolves around suiting up or just around whatever’s trendy this season.
But that’s not what you’re looking for.
You just want to make a better first impression on people you meet in everyday life. You just want to look good in your clothes without looking too flashy.
You just want to look like a better-dressed version of you.

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First, you have got to stop dressing like a kid, and dress like a grown up man
Most men approach their casual style from the wrong angle; they aim to look youthful.
But if you want to look well-dressed, you should always aim to look mature.
Because maturity is an attractive quality in men. Maturity, after all, is what separates the men from the boys. Maturity shows masculinity and commands respect, and it’s a quality you want people to see in you. That doesn’t mean you have to dress like your dad. It doesn’t mean you have to dress old. It just means you have to avoid portraying yourself as a teenager… Unless you actually are a teenager.

Secondly, you have to give up your graphic tees for a more mature look
When i mean graphic tees, i meant the t-shirts that have drawings on them. Yes I know you love them. I once did too. In fact, I wore them non-stop. But you want to stop wearing them. You have so many better options.
Despite popular belief, they don’t make you look funny, edgy or original. In fact, because every other guy is sporting a graphic tee too, you’ll just blend into the crowd. Plus, people associate them with guys who refuse to grow up.
Graphic Tees
You don’t want people to see you as a man-child, do you? Then be a man, and stop wearing graphic tees. Instead, opt for solid, one-color t-shirts, striped tees or henleys. Just look at these examples:
One Color Tees
Lets just admit it that these guys on one-color Tees looks more mature and presentable thane the Flashy and Graphic Tees. You might also consider wearing polo shirts or casual shirts. Just because you’re dressing casual doesn’t mean you can’t wear a collar. And a simple white shirt looks great with a  pair of dark blue jeans. 

Thirdly, rock plane jeans that actually makes you look good and better
Plane jeans, no rips, rugged, saggy, fat sized etc. Go for a clean, dark-blue pair that fits like the ones suggested below. Trust me; you’ll look awesome.
You might have to try a few to find which fit works best for you. If you’re an athletic guy with big thighs, the athletic fit might just be a dream come true for you. For guys with a more average build, any of the others work well. (Personally, I’m partial to slim fit jeans.) If you’re packing some weight, straight fit is probably your best option.

 While you should definitely have a straight dark-blue pair of jeans as pictured, you can certainly wear jeans with a subtle bit of fading. Just avoid those that are overly embellished. 
 All these outfits could be pulled off with jeans, but each outfit looks completely different when worn with chinos, which gives you a lot more variety. Adding just one pair to your wardrobe doubles the amount of outfits you can create. Add one more, and you triple that number.
I suggest one basic pair in camel or grey. And get one colored pair to change things up. (Wearing color below the waist is something few men do, so it stands out.)
And you don’t have to go for fire-engine red or lime green. You can go for subdued colors like burgundy or army-green. See some examples below:

The Forth tip, Class up your foot wears (the ladies, they notice)
Your dirty, beat-up sneakers will ruin an otherwise excellent outfit. You’ll want to replace them with something more dignified. And don’t think people don’t notice your shoes. They notice. Especially women. Wear a pair of brown leather shoes instead of your everyday sneakers, and BOOM… You look sharper.

Simple looks pushed up by Brown Leather Shoes

You have many options for footwear so expand your horizon beyond sneakers.
But if you’re used to wearing sneakers all the time and want to ease your way into something else,  let me introduce you to the desert boot:
desert boots (Clark)

desert boots (Clarks)
 They’re certainly not your only option though. Here are a few other shoe styles that work well in casual looks:

Loofers shoes
 The Fifth Tip, Decorate your Wrists (a naked wrist is boring)
Accessories are another good way to spruce up a dull outfit. And I suggest you get in the habit of wearing a wrist-accessory first.
Why the wrist?
Because naked wrists are boring.
You can wear a watch, a leather bracelet, or both. Doesn’t matter what you wear, but wear something on there. It just gives your outfit a bit more personality.
Personally, I love wearing a leather wrap bracelet with a few bead bracelets as an accent, but even wearing something as simple as a watch will go a long way.  

 All these tips will help you dress well and look like a polished man.
one tip which is crucial- Stop trying too hard keep it simple...

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